Monday, September 14, 2009

Well, I'm off to Zambia for two and a half weeks with my video camera in hand. So look for some great travel video when I return. I will probably have stuff up by the second week of Oct. at the latest.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Water Bottle Drumming

Put together for a media workshop last week. I met these guys sitting on Market St. in San Francisco. Hope they are doing okay.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Elizabeth King

I recently had the pleasure of attending and taping an opera performance by Elizabeth King. This video is Elizabeth performing "Art is calling for me" from The Enchantress by Herbert. I particularily enjoyed this number. She is also currently raising funds to help her attend the American Institute of Musical Studies in Austria. To find out more about Elizabeth King, or to contact her, visit her website at

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hello viewers! Just an update here. My Treasure Island project has hit a snag, and will have to wait a little longer. But in the meantime, as soon as I am done being super busy with my paying work, I will be posting a couple of other small videos I am working on. I am expecting to do this by next week sometime. Also, I will hopefully soon be on a more regular production and posting schedule. I have lots of great ideas that I am looking forward to sharing. Thanks for your patience and, if you are reading this, for still checking in.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coming Soon...

Keep an eye out for my next video project, a look at the hidden side of Treasure Island.